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16 Things Every Owner & Renter Should Own

16 Things Every Owner & Renter Should Own

We asked around to our owners and renters and came up with the following list of things every renter and owner should own. Their advise along with years as property managers makes us believe we have a good list but we want your input. Read the following and let us know if we are missing anything.

A Toolbox– nothing fancy, just the basics will work. You can find completed toolboxes at almost all home improvement stores. Here is a short list of what you will want:

  • Hammer
  • Screwdriver -Philips and flathead
  • Adjustable Wrench
  • Stud Finder
  • Tape Measure
  • Level
  • Adjustable wrench

 A First Aid Kit– a few extra Band-Aids will surely come in handy.

 List of Emergency Numbers– the property manager should be on there.

 Extra Lightbulbs– make sure you know what type of lightbulbs are in your home before you purchase.

 Baking Soda and Extra Cloths– clean up stains before they set.

 Spackle– make walls look like new from old nail holes.

 Flash Lights– one in every room is smart, that way when the power goes off you will be ready.

 A Fire Extinguisher– keep one under your kitchen sink in case of emergencies.

 A Few Extra Gallons of Water– it could be as insignificant as they turned off the water to your unit to fix a leaky pipe, you will be happy you had fresh water stored.

 Extra Batteries– for when the fire alarm goes bad or the remote stops working. Be sure you know what batteries you will need.

 A Plunger– handle basic clogs yourself, it will save you a major hassle.

 A Spare Key– give it to a friend or keep a hind-way, being locked out of your home is no fun.

 Insurance– Renter’s or home-owner’s Insurance is a must as it can protect you from accidental negligence and help replace your things if something is damaged or stolen.

 A Step Stool– for reaching all those hard places.

 Bleach– for keeping mold at bay.

 Duct Tape- You can fix almost anything with duct tape, it is always handy to have around.
