Its spring and that can only mean one thing- people with home allergies are beginning to look at the world from puffy, itchy eyes. So in order to save you from constant suffering our property management specialist came up with ways to help you deal with your home allergies in your home no matter if you are a renter or an owner.
Clean regularly
Sheets should be cleaned with hot water every two weeks, move furniture to get to places that are easy to miss and use a dusting mitt to trap dust when dusting.
Keep rugs to a minimum and try to avoid carpet
Carpets are much harder to keep clean and trap allergens. We know that if you are renting asking an owner to replace carpet with hardwood floors is a long-shot but if you are someone who suffers for bad allergies you should at least ask for the carpets to be professionally cleaned once a year and maintain with regular vacuuming. You should also keep rugs to a minimum- even if it does mean walking on cold floors in the morning.
Check vent filters
Read the packaging to find out about how often to change filters and check regularly for buildup.
The less areas you have for allergens to settle better, put items that are hard to dust away.
Choice indoor plants with care
Avoid pollenating plants and keep mold away by not over water indoor plants. Plants that are good for allergies are Dracaena, Bamboo and Lady Palm because they are good air cleaners.
Give pets a regular bath
Your best friend’s dander and fur isn’t the only thing you have to worries about, those paws and track in dirt and mold and the fur is a perfect place for pollen to settle.
Bonus to being allergy free – your property manager or landlord will thank you for taking such good care of the property.
Want more? Contact us at (858) 279-1500 for more property management tips and advice.